~ Samoas Cookies ~

Do You Have Paraskavedekatriaphobia?
People tends to say that Friday the 13th is an Unlucky day, so I tried to search it out in Wikipedia..
Amazingly I found the word "Paraskavedekatriaphobia" (such a long word) which means that a person is phobia of Friday the 13th. There were lots of history about this day which brings bad luck to people but I did not see any which says it is lucky? haha.. try to read the defination "Friday the 13th is a superstition about a day of good or bad luck." So it do mean that it could be a lucky day too where americans say the Lucky13.
Today will be the 1st day for NBA All star Game 2009, will there be any extraordinary stuffs happening? ^-^ Let's See...
For me, if you think you are Lucky that day, then you will be! So just try to imagine that everyday is a Lucky day to atleast be Happy for the day :)
~ HomeTown Buffet ~
While eating, a waitress was going table to table asking if anyone wants a cinnamon bun and I was so excited waiting for the waitress to come but… she passed out table and move on to the others. GeeEeeZzZz… Racist? ArGhh.. this wasn’t the 1st time.. few weeks ago when I went to CheeseCake Factory at Washington Square, we were treated differently too. The table beside us got a special menu of the day which we didn’t and I was complaining bout that which might be too loud and the waitress heard it so she took the menu for us.. Worst than that was the table beside us got a coupon the be use for their next meal and we didn’t! Gosh! Why are people treated differently due to their skin colour? Why did god created different races? Why didn’t he created just 1 races and 1 religion so that racism would not exist.. aRhHhh… Suddenly somethine struck my mind.. a sentence which I always use to say to my Dad once ago when he talks about the Rich and Poor.. I would just say “Rich or Poor makes no difference on the air you breathe!”. Even if you are a millionaire or a beggar you still breathe the same air! Maybe the scientists have already invented something for the Rich to be able to filter the polluted air which might happen someday. Just hope that human being will be able to treat one another the same for what-so-ever J
Checkout some pictures taken at the HomeTown buffet..

Remember to register as their e-club member to get the discount before you head over there!
~ Confessions of a Shopaholic ~
Actually, I got the sneak preview ticket from the PDX Radio team.. er.. 101. something? EeEekksSs.. Got so much goodies from them and can't even remember their radio station.. OoooOooPPpppSsss.. SoRrY.. I'll find it out the next time I get some free goodies.. ^-^ hehehe.. The Movie was at Regal 18 Bridgeport Village. That's a nice place to go Q up for movies since there ain't that much people like the Cinema at Lloyd center but still you have to be there an hour early to get a good seat ~
By the way, the movie was ... Sweet... Touching.. Funny.. Loving.. WoW... (it isn't as boring guys) it's worth to watch eventhough it sounds like a fairytale ^-^ The main actor in some way reminded me of my ex-colleague Michelle, maybe they look alike?
Hope you enjoy the movie and don't end up being a shopaholic hehe.. ^.^ !!

The 44 Places to go in 2009 @ Penang

~ Overlook Family Restaurant ~
~ The Old Spaghetti Factory ~
~ Mount Hood Snow Shoeing ^-^ ~

Attached are some pictures of the amazing views of White River Sno-Park & the Mount Hood (Please forgive me if the pictures ain't good as i'm not a good photographer ^-^).. Enjoy!
~ HaPpY 2@@9 ~
Is it too late to welcome 2009 or is it too early? Since it is the 8th of January.. but .. it's still 2008 for the Chinese lunar calendar with a few more weeks to go before I get a year older ^-^ Anyway, Happy 2009 to Everyone!
Finally, I'm starting one of my 2009 resolution.. Something which I always wanted to do.. Srating up a new blog about Food, Travel and those exciting stuffs that I see/do in my Life. With the limited time that I always have (Excuse? Too lazy? haha :p), I've decided to add this task to me 2009 New Year ToDo List to make myself do it :) It wasn’t easy at all to start learning to use a new tool for a “dumb dumb” like me ^-^ eventhough it is a user friendly tool but being a demanding newbie like me who wanted to add in all those fancy fancy stuffs things got complicated. Haha.. >.<
First, I tried to add in the HappyOMeter and the ad from NuffNang. By following through the steps provided by NuffNang to add in the ad was easy but there was an error when I copied the script and paste it to my template.. “If u r the admin of the page, please check the link if it is correct..” bla bla.. so I thought that the link I provided was wrong. “Dumb dumb” me redo the whole thing again and got the same error, then I thought the name of the blog I provided was wrong since i use "@" for the blog name. After a few redo-ing n trying all kinda stupid things I decided to leave it as it is and try adding in the HappyOMeter Script to check if it works.. Pheww…. it came out well and the ad came out well too when the template was saved and viewed in the actual mode instead of the preview mode. >.<>
Luckily I was smart enough to click on the Help button at the top right corder and lead me in the forum to seek help. After slightly 1minute, someone with the name ‘TheBlogDoctor’ replied me with a link that have the steps to follow through.. TAddddddAaaaa……….. I managed to remove the picture away together with the header but there was no link for me to add back the header and I switched my template to get it all back.. GeeEeezZzz.. What a long process to get my 1st New Year task done! By the way, I did not upload any pictures to the header yet since I was not able to find one which I think is suitable at this moment. Lesson learned from a demanding newbie : Get things done step by step, nothing can be done perfectly in a time ^-^
FlashBacks of 2008
2008 was quite a tuff and adventurous year for me..
· Moving far away from home and a dramatic change in my lifestyle from a person who seldom/never cook a 3 course meal to someone who needs to..
· Searching for job in a different country with no knowledge of how or even what their normal resume would look like and when I finally found a job, I was not able to accept the new environment due to a culture shock.. :( I had never ever imagine that the working environment there is sooo much different from where I was.. Then another job which I thought was such a good opportunity to excel in what I studied, but the company was some sorta “Con” (mayb not that bad, just that I wasn’t able to accept the way they are going to outsource us). Finally I ended up somewhere not too far and not too near from where I currently stay. The people here are real real good without giving me any “heartattack” (due to the culture shock I had b4 haha.. ). Thanks a lot for all the patience, understanding and of course not leaving me out on all the activities. (Thanks to my Big boss for the Christmas card and the ColdStone gift card ^-^)
· I was so excited for the first few month living in a different country trying out new stuffs.. until I started to get bored of the limited variety of foods and stuffs here and start missing the Hawker foods, Pasar malam, Ramadan bazaar, Mamak stalls, Seafood, Sushi buffets, Bakeries, Shopping malls.. etc.. Sometimes I even smell those home delicacies while I’m working in the office haha… (*Day Dreaming*)..
· A year which I saw and learned the most out of experience
· A year which I bought the most NIKE brand stuffs (haha… ^-^)
· A year which I traveled the most ^-^
1. Seattle
2. San Diego
3. Vancouver
4. San Francisco
5. NewYork
6. Washington D.C
7. Toronto
8. Montreal etc.
So Loonngg 2008...