~ Confessions of a Shopaholic ~

Oh My.. Oh My.. I just got back from the sneak preview of "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and I'm still awake here typing.. haha.. while all of it is still fresh in my mind, I'd better pour it out 1st, else I'll be too lazy to write down anything :)
Actually, I got the sneak preview ticket from the PDX Radio team.. er.. 101. something? EeEekksSs.. Got so much goodies from them and can't even remember their radio station.. OoooOooPPpppSsss.. SoRrY.. I'll find it out the next time I get some free goodies.. ^-^ hehehe.. The Movie was at Regal 18 Bridgeport Village. That's a nice place to go Q up for movies since there ain't that much people like the Cinema at Lloyd center but still you have to be there an hour early to get a good seat ~

By the way, the movie was ... Sweet... Touching.. Funny.. Loving.. WoW... (it isn't as boring guys) it's worth to watch eventhough it sounds like a fairytale ^-^ The main actor in some way reminded me of my ex-colleague Michelle, maybe they look alike?

Hope you enjoy the movie and don't end up being a shopaholic hehe.. ^.^ !!

P/S: The radion Station is TheBuzz 105.1 [ Eeekss.. it was printed on the Pink Tee~ They would have kill me if I didn't c that~] ^-^

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