Do You Have Paraskavedekatriaphobia?

Is Today your Lucky or Unlucky Day?
People tends to say that Friday the 13th is an Unlucky day, so I tried to search it out in Wikipedia..
Amazingly I found the word "Paraskavedekatriaphobia" (such a long word) which means that a person is phobia of Friday the 13th. There were lots of history about this day which brings bad luck to people but I did not see any which says it is lucky? haha.. try to read the defination "Friday the 13th is a superstition about a day of good or bad luck." So it do mean that it could be a lucky day too where americans say the Lucky13.
Today will be the 1st day for NBA All star Game 2009, will there be any extraordinary stuffs happening? ^-^ Let's See...
For me, if you think you are Lucky that day, then you will be! So just try to imagine that everyday is a Lucky day to atleast be Happy for the day :)

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